Voditelj: Davor Gašparević AKA MinMaxMunchking, Dungeons & Dragons 5e Dungeon Master i YouTube content creator
Pratite uživo dobrotvorni prijenos dinamične potjere za kradljivcima Planarnog Pehara. Donirajte i direktno utječite na događaje u toku prijenosa dok se pustolovi bore i preživljavaju pokušavajući uhvatiti zlikovce. Hoće li ih uspjeti uhvatiti prije nego bude prekasno? Sve donacije prikupljene u toku prijenosa namijenjene su štićenicima Dječjeg doma Maestral.
Donirajte putem PayPala preko ovog linka
Utječite na događanja u toku igre
Za svakih $20 donacija, jedan igrač može ponovno rolati jedan promašeni/neuspješni attack roll, ability check ili saving throw sa advantage-om.
Individualne donacije od $20 ili preko omogućavaju vam da predložite zanimljivi/smiješni događaj, lika ili čudovište s kojim se igrači moraju susresti/nositi. I ne, koliko god bi bilo komično ubaciti im 3 Tarrasque-a, budimo razumni ;)
*Sve donacije će biti javno obznanjene na kraju prijenosa i bit će upotrijebljene za pomoć djeci bez roditeljske skrbi
ENG: Follow a live charity stream of a high-paced, dynamic chase after the thieves who stole the Planar Goblet. Donate to directly influence the events and encounters during the live stream while the adventurers struggle and survive trying to catch the villains. Will they succeed before it's too late? All donations collected during the stream are reserved for the proteges of a local institution which looks after and takes care of kids without parents.
Donate with PayPal via the link
Every $20 – TWIST OF FATE
One character can reroll one missed/failed attack roll, ability check or saving throw with advantage.
Individual donations of $20 or above - WILDCARD
Suggest a funny event, character or monster to happen/be introduced during this session. And no, I know you want me to drop 3 Tarrasques on these poor, poor PCs, but please, keep it reasonable ;)
*Total sum of all donations will be announced at the end of the live-stream and will be used to aid kids without parents.