Solarpunk: new Science Fiction for a tech-wise and sustainable future

Francesco Verso

Francesco Verso is an Italian multiple-award Science Fiction writer and editor. He has published: Antidoti umani, e-Doll, Livido, Bloodbusters and I camminatori. Livido (translated in English by Sally McCorry as Nexhuman) and Bloodbusters have been published in the USA UK and China. He also works as Editor of Future Fiction, a multicultural project, publishing the best SF in translation from 20 countries and 8 different languages, which won the Best Publisher Award at the 2019 EuroCon in Belfast. He can be found at

Solarpunk is a new genre with its center in the political practice and experimentation with alternative technologies; Solarpunk tries to merge ecologically sustainable solutions with the coming technologies of CRISPR-Cas9, 3D printing, Big Data, A.I and prosthetics, to tackle the challenges posed to humanity by hypercapitalism and biopolitical forces. With origins in SF and radical enviromentalism, Solarpunk promotes decentralized infrastructures, community engagement and do-it-yourself attitude.