Kristian Čurla
If you play board games, then you know who we are talking about. Professional designer (Croteam Indie, Pine Studio) of video and board games (Tides of Time, Tides of Madness) will be talking about differences in design of these two and will test his new game.
Tomislav Čipčić
Game mechanics, building of prototypes, playtesting, imposing the game upon the publisher, guerrilla marketing, and is there money in it? Game designer from Split, Tomislav Čipčić, author of the game “Brotherhood & Unity”will talk about his personal experience.
Zmajeva Garaža
They are the first D&D YouTube stream on Balkan. Their role models are of course Critical Role, even if they don’t think that they are as good as them when it comes to production. But, they are trying hard and progressing from day to day. Seven enthusiast decided to embarrass themselves to the enjoyment of a wide RPG society. Their moto? LET’S ROLL!!!